What is Facet?
Deployed in December 2023, Facet (v1) emerged as a thesis that Ethereum could be scaled by offloading computation-heavy tasks from the main Ethereum chain while utilizing Ethereum’s existing infrastructure for security and consensus. Read more about Facet v1 in the original medium article and the legacy v1 docs.
Facet v2 is Now Live on Sepolia
Facet is evolving, refining the core concepts of Facet v1, emerging as Ethereum’s “Layer 1 Plus” (or L1+), a hybrid approach that combines the strengths of Layer 1 and Layer 2 architectures. The Layer 1+ designation reflects Facet's EVM compatibility and direct interaction model with Ethereum's base layer while preserving the scalability enhancements typical of Layer 2 solutions. Learn more in the v2 Docs below, and start testing by joining the Telegram Alpha Test Group.
Some key features to look forward to in Facet v2:
  1. Contract deployment is now permissionless! In Facet v1 contracts had to be allowlisted for deployment, given the need to protect the network from spam attacks. That barrier has been removed.
  2. Facet is now an EVM-compatible blockchain! Not only can anyone deploy a contract, but anyone can copy-paste an existing Ethereum contract over to Facet!
  3. Standard Ethereum ecosystem tools and workflows apply! Developers accustomed to Ethereum’s programming language (Solidity), testnets (Sepolia) and popular IDEs like Remix will immediately feel at home developing for Facet.
Facet v2 is designed in alignment with Ethereum's vision of a decentralized world computer. The protocol offers a scalable platform for decentralized applications, reducing operational costs and increasing accessibility, while addressing the fundamental issues related to centralization and security endemic to existing Layer 2 rollups. Get started with the Facet v2 Docs.
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